Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1

Today is my very first day in the Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska. If you are wondering why I'm here, I'm here because I am want to further increase my knowledge on this specific biome. I want to collect information on the climate and species of the tundra biome. I am staying here for a total of 5 days. Below is a map of where I'm currently at.
As soon as I step foot on this land, I see a diverse number of plants, including mosses, lichens, sedges, and short grasses. Here is a picture i took of a sedge fruit (which I didn't eat) after wiping of much of the snow was on it:
And here is a picture of some lichen I found:

After I fnished examining these plants, I decided to crreat a food web, incluuding all the animals I've seen so far...
I created this web after examining the wild life:

This is a web of every single animal I've seen, and after examining each's habits, it took me about an hour or two to gather up information put this together. After this, I decided I might as well create a energy pyramid.

After another few hours of close examination, I managed to put together this:
I couldn't distinguish the exact type of animals I saw when I created this sadly. But, it's clear enough to see what type of animals are.

After many hours of studying and creating these graphs, I decided to call it a day. I set up my camp site, and went to sleep, excited for the next day.

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